About us

We are a multi-disciplinary, creative and passionate team that creates conventional and unconventional digital content. We integrate applications and tools that generate unforgettable experiences for our clients.

We adapt to the needs and objectives of each project. We create content that can be used in various media, channels, technologies, devices and surfaces, generating physical and virtual experiences that are highly memorable.

Our greatest purpose is to have a positive impact with innovative, creative and effective narratives that bring to life what is in the imagination of our clients.

Our clients

Our experience over time has been a learning journey and good projects, thanks to the companies that have trusted us to bring their ideas to life.

Logo anglogoldashanti
Logo bancolombia
logo haced
logo nutresa
logo cotecmar
logo oviedo
Logo leonisa
Logo MDC
Log Coordinadora
Logo Domina
Logo medtronic
Logo Minerales-Cordoba

Recognitions and allies

Winners in business acceleration program Créame 2015

Proantioquia 2016 mentoring winners

We are an Andi company of the future

We are beneficiaries of Procolombia, Impulsa and CTA Colombia programs

Our team


let ‘s chat.

Email address: contacto@xystudios.co
A: Envigado – Colombia

Contact us

XY STUDIOS - all rights reserved - 2023