The Impact of Virtual and Mixed Reality on Risk Prevention


Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality (VR and MR) are highly useful tools for health and safety at work thanks to their wide range of use for simulation, training and risk prevention. This type of experiences and simulators powered by graphic engines such as Unity or Unreal Engine allow the creation of controlled environments to improve the preparation of workers for a wide variety of situations.

Virtual Reality (VR) allows the practice of critical processes in simulations where there is no real risk. For example, construction simulators allow practice with risky or heavy machinery and hazardous materials without putting the user at risk but maintaining the fidelity of the learning experience. In addition, they allow repeated practice to reinforce knowledge and generate muscle memory.

Mixed Reality (MR) allows for better risk assessment in hazardous environments, such as an employee who can use virtual and mixed reality glasses (like the Meta Quest 3) to perform a complex task where mixed reality provides guidance or warnings during the process.

This type of simulators powered by video game engines find a use in emergency situations for sectors such as aviation and mining, where the reaction to disaster situations, evacuation or technical failures is practiced. Allowing the training of response to these situations without a high cost and in less time.

Tanto la Realidad Virtual como la Realidad Mixta aportan a la innovación y practicidad de simuladores para seguridad y salud en el trabajo, y apoyándose de herramientas como Unreal Engine permiten una gran fidelidad e inmersión para generar más impacto en el aprendizaje de los usuarios y optimizar procesos que serían costosos o riesgosos en el mundo real. Estas tecnologías componen el futuro de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo para la generación de entornos laborales más seguros y eficientes.

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