2D or 3D animation, which is better for promoting my brand?

Animación 2D o 3D, ¿cuál es mejor para promocionar mi marca?

When deciding on a strategy to promote your business through audiovisual media, we come across two alternatives that draw a lot of attention: 2D and 3D animation. These two types of marketing strategies are the most used in the market thanks to their versatility and the possibility of providing the buyer with an eye-catching proposal so that their business has more potential buyers, since consumers tend to feel closer to these animations and end up buying from brands that use them. For this reason, at XY Studios we will tell you which option is the best to implement in your business and why.

Diffrences between 2D and 3D animation

Before knowing which animation suits your business best, it is important to understand the differences between these two strategies. On the one hand, 2D animation is the abbreviation for two dimensions, where everything you see has been hand-drawn and objects can only move horizontally and vertically. An example of this animation are the films from Studio Ghibli or old Disney films such as The Little Mermaid.

On the other hand, 3D animation, short for three dimensions, allows you to see depth, width, and length. Objects can rotate 360 degrees, making it a more realistic animation that is not restricted to just two axes. Examples of these animations are films like Toy Story or Shrek.

Now, knowing the two terms and their differences, in the following sections we collect a series of items that will help you know which option is better for your company.

Choose 2D animation if…

  • You want a video that is appealing to the audience, with a lower cost and faster turnaround time. 2D animation is more affordable and requires less production time, so you can have your video ready faster.
  • You want a video in a fun and cute format, where the animation is colorful and can grab attention without needing many details. These productions aim to catch the audience’s attention and highlight your product/service without many details.
  • You want to focus on storytelling or information, rather than animation details. 2D animation has a story behind it, so if you want to highlight that, this is the best option.
  • The video’s focus is more on explanation, education, or graphics. If your company is not specialized in a field that requires detailed product visuals, you can opt for a 2D video, as it benefits your company by increasing brand connections.
  • The video’s file size is lighter when uploading it to a website, social media, or app.

Choose 3D animation if…

  • You have the ability to invest more budget into the video and do not need it urgently. 3D animation requires more time to create as it is done in special software to achieve the characteristics of animation.
  • You are looking for something more specialized where the information is precise and technical, meaning that many details need to be visualized from different perspectives, such as showing infrastructure or a medical simulation.
  • You want the video to focus on details and be more realistic, as your goal is to showcase the uses or features of your company’s products in detail.
  • The focus of your videos is more technical and you want to show something specific, such as the technology being used in a bra and how it benefits women.
  • You do not have a limitation in terms of space.

Finally, you must keep in mind that everything in your brand needs to be connected. If you use many 3D elements in the regular communication of your brand, it is best to use this strategy in your videos as well. If you use more 2D elements, continue with this type of animation in your videos to maintain coherence in your marketing strategy. This way, the consumer will feel more confident and closer to your brand, and will most likely decide to purchase your products or services.

At XY Studios, we believe in the power that 2D and 3D animations have to change the way consumers approach products or brands. We design content that generates greater recall, is flexible, creative, and allows for a more universal message delivery. Dare to explore these strategies and take your brand to the next level!