How to increase the sales of housing projects with 360° tours?

Proyectos de vivienda con recorridos 360

The real estate world has been transforming thanks to technology, as construction companies have begun to implement different strategies to make sales more interactive, one of these strategies being virtual tours of the properties they have for sale or rent.

At XY Studios, we explain how sales of housing projects can be increased through these tours.

Make a difference

The most efficient way to attract attention in the real estate sector and make clients want to work with the company to purchase or rent a space is to make a difference. Therefore, a 360° tour of the property is an excellent option to capture the buyer’s attention.

The tours are made with 360° images, which help visualize the proportions and details of the spaces, allowing exploration of the places without physically being there, providing an immediate and comfortable experience.

This experience through 360 tours makes a real estate project more attractive than others in its category. In fact, statistics indicate that there is a higher probability of page views and interest in projects that offer virtual tours. Moreover, by having this visualization service, people who contact the real estate agency are more likely to become confident buyers because there is certainty that their attention has been captured and their particular interest is secured.

Savings for everyone

When visiting the web pages of housing projects, clients usually encounter static images and floor plans, which often leave them with unanswered questions.

The implementation of 360 tours allows clients to access and explore the property from any device with an internet connection, without leaving the comfort of their home. This saves them both time and money, as they do not have to wait for basic responses, but can instead ask questions because they are genuinely interested in the project and want to take the next step. Moreover, they do not need to physically travel to the property to visualize it.

On the other hand, this is also a benefit and cost-saving measure for the real estate agency, as although implementing 360 tours may require a significant investment, the profits can be seen in the increased interaction and attraction of clients through the internet. The seller does not need to invest in a large number of advisors to visit the property with the client, as this can be fulfilled with the 360 tour. It is also an excellent alternative if the project is still in the planning stage, as it can speed up sales by showcasing unique and appealing images and can avoid the need to hire third parties, as the process of searching for contractors or financiers can be optimized.

A plus to accompany the tours

360° tours are an excellent option when it comes to selling housing projects, however, another alternative that can accompany this service and is a key factor that will increase sales is 3D modeling or visualization. With this tool, you can have a more realistic vision of the project, even if it is still in the planning phase, as it allows you to understand and analyze every detail through virtuality and helps the client to visualize how the place will really be, proportions, spaces, possible decorations.

Virtual tours are images, but if they are accompanied by 3D visualization, they become a digital innovation where the reality of the project can be visualized. Without a doubt, this is a differentiating point that will attract attention to your project, there will be more potential clients, and therefore, sales will increase.

In our portfolio, we offer these two services and more with which you can enhance the sales of your properties. We invite you to visit our website where you can get to know us better and contact us to provide you with the appropriate advice for your needs. If you like this type of content, you can read our blog, where we have information about virtual and augmented reality, 360° videos, application development, immersive technologies, and much more.